Francis Upritchard in DAUWRAUW | A Bruegelian Landscape

Francis Upritchard is in “DAUWRAUW | A Bruegelian Landscape,” a group exhibition centering on the master engravings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, deepened by seven contemporary artists’ perspectives. Upritchard’s work draws on figurative sculpture, blending references from literature to ancient sculptures, and burial grounds to science fiction. Ter Dilft Cultural Center is located in Bornem, Belgium. 


"Bruegel, beyond being an observer, was a keen commentator on society. Immerse yourself in a Bruegel painting during this exhibition – a physical and imaginative journey. Seven contemporary artists act as our guides, critical observers of our time seamlessly integrating their insights into this serene landscape, allowing the raw to seamlessly blend into the morning dew.


The invited artists create new works or reinterpret existing artworks within this enchanting context. The number seven, referring to the seven deadly sins and virtues in Bruegel's engravings, provides a unique angle for the artists to differentiate themselves from traditional symbolism.


This exhibition includes the largest private collection of  Bruegel 's engravings by Count John de Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde, alongside the work of internationally renowned artists  Francis Upritchard, Mark Manders, Ana Prvacki, mountaincutters, Monika Emmanuelle Kazi, Joan Jonas and Cardiff & Miller ."

- Ter Dilft Cultural Center


June 30 - September 30, 2024

For more information, click here




Francis Upritchard
Swamp Creature, 2022
Balata Rubber
137 3/4 x 68 1/2 x 90 1/2 inches
(350 x 174 x 230 cm)
/ 20