
For this exhibition at Anton Kern Gallery, Jack Pierson has selected pieces by Mark Flood, Dan McCarthy, and his own work for a three-person exhibition.  The artworks are hardly unified by their materials and techniques; McCarthy paints oil on canvas, Flood incorporates laser-printed images into his work, and Pierson explores the poetry of the found object and the written word in collage and drawings.


Marc Flood’s paintings are assembled from different kinds of source materials, each expressing different realities that co-exist in life.  Contrasting and framing them in the artificial world of an image, he shows us the variety of truth in life and calls our own values into question, without judging.


McCarthy’s works do not appropriate pre-existing material and seem therefore highly artificial and subjective.  Never-the-less McCarthy’s view of women on shabby suburban stages, having failed on their way to glamour and glory, is in its abstraction, highly true to life.


Pierson uses pop culture to reach us.  The letters taken from old commercial signs tell stories of everyday life, years ago.  These common elements enrich the legends of celebrities with their nostalgic yet ordinary presence.


The three artists offer us various perspectives on pop culture, a culture that unifies us and gives us a history beyond politics and text books. 


The exhibition will run through June 3, 2000

The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm.

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