Tate Loans Aliza Nisenbaum Painting to Children's Hospital, Liverpool

Aliza Nisenbaum's 2020 painting Team Time StorytellingAlder Hey Children's Hospital Emergency Department COVID Pandemic has been loaned to Alder Hey Children's Hospital by The Tate. Nisenbaum created the painting to depict nurses, doctors and porters who devoted time to the hospital during emergency moments in the pandemic. 

To create the painting, Nisenbaum adapted her practice to the pandemic: she worked with photographs, and met with her sitters remotely. Additionally, Nisenbaum asked her group to describe elements of their experiences at the hospital, and to create drawings as part of the dialogue, which are featured in the completed painting.

The painting is now on view, and accessible to all visitors to the hospital.

For more information, click here

July 6, 2023
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