Sarah Jones in In the Now at the Brooklyn Museum

Sarah Jones is included in In the Now: Gender and Nation in Europe, Selections from the Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl Photography Collection at the Brooklyn Museum. The exhibiton is curated by Drew Sawyer, Britt Savelsen, and Eve Schillo and organized by Carmen Hermo with Imani Williford. 


"In the Now unites nearly fifty women artists who are resisting traditional ideas of gender and nationality, as well as of photography itself. The first museum survey of photography-based works by women artists born or based in Europe, this exhibition interrogates the continent’s legacies of nationalism and patriarchal power structures—which continue to shape everyday life, particularly for women. 

"In the Now highlights the expansive nature of the Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl Photography Collection at the Brooklyn Museum and Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Made entirely after 2000, the exhibition’s more than seventy artworks offer a window into the first decades of the twenty-first century. In the section titled “Gender,” photographers such as Bettina von Zwehl and Elina Brotherus contend with (mis)representations of women’s bodies and experiences, bucking against oppressive beauty standards and the male gaze. “Nation” unpacks the promises—and realities—of contemporary Europe and the ongoing fallout of European nationalism and colonialism. The controlled explosion in Sarah Pickering’s Landmine (2005), for example, underscores the relative peace in England as British troops supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And in “Photography,” women artists upend this male-dominated medium with experimental approaches—as in Shirana Shahbazi’s Farsh-13-2006 (2006), a Vermeer-inspired photographic portrait translated onto a carpet hand-knotted in her native Iran. Together the works defy outdated definitions of a woman, an artist, a nation, and a photograph."

- Brooklyn Museum


March 8 - July 7, 2024. 

For more infomation, click here



Sarah Jones
The Rose Gardens (Display: III/White) (I)2007
lambda print mounted on aluminium
152 x 122 cm
59 7/8 x 48 inches
© Sarah Jones, courtesy Maureen Paley, London
March 6, 2024
of 20