Lara Schnitger: Stitch Witch

Upcoming at Museum Kranenburgh: Lara Schnitger: Stitch Witch.


"The work of artist and ecofeminist Lara Schnitger is playful, exuberant, colorful and humorous. At the same time, it contains serious, critical statements about the position of women, gender inequality and sexual oppression in our still strongly male-dominated society. With pleasure and irony, Schnitger hijacks stereotypes about women and femininity and uses them as a badge of honor: Proud Slut! Stitch Witch!


With the exhibition Stitch Witch, Museum Kranenburgh draws attention to Schnitger's versatile artistry, feminist commitment and focus on the connection between man and nature.

Textiles are Schnitger’s material and medium par excellence. She uses pieces of fabric to create both intimate sculptural works and large-scale installations – often inviting the public to participate. This exhibition brings together a number of important works from her oeuvre. On display are, among other things, the Slut-Sticks and the quilts that are part of her ongoing project Suffragette City , a travelling feminist performance and protest march. The large-scale installation House of Heroines , originally created for the NGV Triennial in Melbourne in 2020, is on display in the Netherlands for the first time in an adapted form. Schnitger has also created several new works especially for the exhibition. In these, she establishes a relationship with the surrounding nature of the museum and explores ideas about ecofeminism and modern witchcraft. The exhibition was created in collaboration with art historian and guest curator Nina Folkersma."

- Museum Kranenburgh


November 17, 2024 to June 8, 2025

For more information, click here.

October 15, 2024
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