John Bock

John Bock: Skipholt
$ 50.00
John Bock: Skipholt
$ 50.00
John Bock: Skipholt
$ 50.00
Light Blue
John Bock: Skipholt
$ 50.00
Dark Blue
John Bock: Skipholt
Sold out

Softcover in corduroy bag with inserts p. with 309 images
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther and Franz König
ISBN: 978-3-96098-954-7
Dimensions: 14,8 x 10,5 cm.

Published in reminiscence of the exhibition Skipholt, Kling & Bang gallery Reykjavik, 2005.

Layout: Andreas Eberlin, aromaBerlin
Druck: primeline print, Berlin


John Bock's latest artist book combines over 150 video stills from his film "Skipholt" shot in 2005 in Iceland, each with a corresponding drawing. Structured like a logbook of an expedition, it traces the path of the protagonist played by the artist himself, who embarks on a journey across the sea, volcanic plains and glaciers. The drawings read like notations of a journey, sometimes picture, sometimes diagram, peppered with word creations or theoretical explanations that reflect John Bock's thought bubble and reveal the conjured parazone to the reader. ⁠ ⁠


The book is at the same time an art object, packed in a corduroy bag, filled with 'KleinodtodSods' - useful everyday objects such as Q-tips, thread and safety pin - and equipped with the practical belt pouch, so that nothing stands in the way of one's own expedition.⁠ ⁠